The Toolkit

DALL·E 2024-03-04 21.53.33 - Illustrate an image that encapsulates 'The tech behind the metaverse'. The image should highlight a cross-section of the various technologies that pow.webp

While the metaverse lacks a universally accepted definition, three schools of thought emerge:

experienced synchronously by an effectively unlimited number of users, each with an individual sense of presence. This perspective views the metaverse as a product or service, emphasising attributes

like persistence, synchronicity, and interoperability.

Here are some key points about enabling the hardware for the metaverse:

Legacy Devices: Currently, we can interact with the metaverse using our phones and laptops, but these will eventually become legacy devices.

To fully immerse ourselves, we’ll need specialised hardware.

The fascinating world of the Metaverse and its various components:

Virtual Reality (VR):