1. Click on the Dashboard button in the navigation bar.
  2. Select the Projects tab in the navigation bar.
  3. Click on the Scenes button in the pop-up.
  4. Create a new scene or open an existing project.
  5. Click on the Add button in the Editor toolbar.
  6. Select the Directional Light option from the Light Source drop-down menu.
  7. Click on the Attributes tab in the Direction Light Properties panel.
  8. Choose a color from the Color Picker for the Direction Light.
  9. Adjust the intensity of the Direction Light using the slider in the Properties panel.
  10. Turn on the Shadows toggle to enable shadows for the objects.
  11. Increase the opacity of the Direction Lights using the slider in the Properties panel.
  12. Increase or decrease the blur of the Direction Light's shadows using the slider in the Properties panel.
  13. Adjust the opacity of the Direction Light's shadows using the slider in the Properties panel.